
Social Value Strategy

The purpose of the strategy is to establish our vision and aims, as well as analysing our current approach and working methods, through engaging with employees, clients, and the community. This is to ensure that we continue to progress and are able to respond to developing social, ethical and environmental principles.

Carbon Reduction Plan

BoonBrown are committed to improving our operational Carbon Footprint and we are taking the necessary steps to record and reduce this as outlined in our Carbon Reduction Plan.

Training Strategy

Our dedication to perpetual growth is showcased through our business training strategy.

Armed Forces Convenant

Demonstrating our pledge to support the Armed Forces Community, please download our Armed forces Covenant.

Design Competency Statement

In line with the Building Regulations etc. (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2023, BoonBrown have published our Design Competency Statement.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

It is BoonBrown’s policy to conduct all business in an honest and ethical manner. We will not tolerate any acts of bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally and ethically in all our business dealings and relationships, wherever we operate.

Data Protection Policy

This policy explains our procedures for complying with data protection law in relation to personal data. It sets out our Employees’ obligations whenever they are processing personal data during the course of their employment.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

BoonBrown values and actively strives to have a diverse and inclusive workforce in a working environment free from discrimination.  This policy demonstrates our commitment to promoting equality and safeguarding protected characteristics as included in the Equality Act (2010).

Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy

This policy is in place to encourage any person who is aware of any wrongdoing at the company (or in any other related companies), to report their concern at the earliest opportunity, so it can be properly investigated, without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination, disadvantage or dismissal.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

BoonBrown are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.