The Artist's Map



Written by

Nadine Richards
Nadine Richards

Nadine is an Office Manager at BoonBrown with a passion for creativity and engineering. She has a keen interest in applying design thinking and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions for various challenges and opportunities. She is motivated by learning new things, collaborating with others, and making a positive impact.

After countless hours of meticulous sketching, ‘The Artists’ Map,’ a centrepiece of our LFA exhibition, is finally complete!  Measuring approximately 2m x 2m with 289 individual squares, this monumental project has surpassed our expectations, beautifully capturing the essence of our original vision.

Each square has been thoughtfully placed, showcasing various aspects of London, including buildings, landscapes, memorials, roads, and, of course, the river.  This arrangement invites viewers to guess the locations depicted, adding an element of discovery. Embracing the theme ‘Reimagine,’ we encouraged our team and collaborators to experiment with their artistic interpretations, posing questions such as: How would this detail look if altered? Can it be drawn from a different perspective? Or simply, how would it appear in your unique style? This collaborative approach has resulted in a diverse and captivating piece of art, reflecting our distinct perceptions of the world.

River Thames by C.Rose
Houses in Lambeth by A.Baggley
Mary Seacole Statue by J. Tsang

The experience of nurturing everyone’s drawing skills and playing a game of identifying individual styles has been immensely rewarding. The vast number of drawings ensures that even after multiple viewings, new details continue to emerge. Personally, this journey has bolstered my confidence and taught me the value of embracing my unique abilities without comparison.

Here are a few reflections from those who participated in the process:

Dan Dymond
Dan Dymond

I’ve always found free-hand sketching to be an incredibly powerful tool for analysis. It requires breaking down scenes into shapes, proportions, tones, and textures. Sketching various places and buildings has allowed me to discover new areas of London and see familiar ones in a fresh light.

Armando Delgado
Armando Delgado

Returning to sketching was not only fun but also an educational experience, revealing many parts of London I hadn’t seen. This office project united us, fostering teamwork and skill-sharing. It was a fantastic collective effort!

Shanice Natalia
Shanice Natalia

Collaborating on the collective drawing map with the team was a dynamic and enjoyable experience. It blended our diverse perspectives on London into a vibrant visual that both we and our visitors can appreciate.

Our exhibition will remain on display in the coming weeks, and ‘The Artists’ Map’ will have a permanent place on our wall. We warmly invite you to visit and explore our work. Please drop by and see us!

Tunstall Hall, Bernay’s Grove
London SW9 8DF

10am – 4pm

Tickets are available here:

Numatic Manufacturing Facility Update



Written by

Jeff Martin
Jeff Martin

Jeff is an experienced Architect, he specialises in the design concept and planning stages of large scale commercial projects.

The new manufacturing facility for Numatic International in Chard is progressing well, especially now that the sun has finally appeared after a long, wet winter. We are a year into the build phase, and there’s plenty to see above ground after extensive work on the substructure and piling. The drone footage by Apex Media excellently documents the construction process, capturing this fantastic building project as it comes to life.

The substantial steel frame is complete on the 20m tall high-bay distribution building, and the frame team has moved on to erecting the adjoining assembly building. Following the appearance of the tower crane, the roofing team is making great progress despite the challenges posed by an unusually windy April. We eagerly anticipate the start of the wall cladding installation in the coming weeks and months, which will give the building its shape.

Significant progress has also been made on the external works around the development site, particularly the perimeter road, extensive drainage works, and the installation of the circular sprinkler tank base and foundations.

This new facility will streamline the production of the ever-popular Henry vacuum cleaner and wider range by providing 23,828m² of commercial floor space within a single dedicated building.


Architect & Contract Administrators


Main Contractor
CG Fry & Sons

Media Creator
Apex Media

BoonBrown welcomes Dave Norris to the Town Planning Team



BoonBrown are pleased to announce that Dave Norris has joined our Planning Team.

Dave is well known in the southwest, having worked in Dorset and Mendip, before spending six years as the Development Manager at South Somerset District Council.

Dave then spent the last 5 years working at a planning consultancy in Bristol and most recently as a planning manager in Hampshire.

Dave’s in depth knowledge of the planning system and the development process will further strengthen our existing team and his experience of how councils operate will be a huge benefit, helping us to achieve positive outcomes in a timely manner. BoonBrown’s capabilities have now expanded to include 3 in-house Chartered Town Planners with 90 years of experience at Development Control Manager level.

During his career, Dave has led on a huge variety of projects, including large-scale public inquiries and regeneration projects across the south and west of England. Dave’s role in Hampshire required him to be the Planning expert for the council, advising elected members on decision making and strategies, whilst also managing a large team of Planners, Conservation Officers, Ecologists, Enforcement and Regeneration staff. Dave has also more recently been responsible for advising on complex S106 agreements and developing nutrient and BNG mitigation projects enabling development to be delivered.

Dave enjoys pretty much all sports and is a keen supporter of the ‘Glovers’ since being dragged along by his dad to the ‘old’ Huish (now a Tesco!) over 45 years ago.  However, Dave is  happiest whiling away the hours on the riverbank.

I started my planning career in South Somerset 30+ years ago working with both Shaun and Simon (both Town Planners at BoonBrown) at different times.  I then embarked upon a ‘tour’ of various planning authorities in the southwest before returning to South Somerset as Planning Manager 10 or so years ago.  In 2017 I left local authority and joined a planning /urban design consultancy in Bristol for a couple of years. In mid-2020 I moved on from Bristol, and took on a role running a planning service in Hampshire.  I really enjoyed my time in Hampshire, working with a great group of people and was successful in creating a planning department that was focused on securing high quality, but deliverable developments.

On a more personal note, I am Yeovil born and bred. My wife and I together with our 2 ‘boys’ (now 27 and 29) made the huge decision to move to Sherborne (7 miles and a different county was a big thing for a Yeovilian!)  approximately 20 years  ago, and have lived there happily ever since.

I have now been with BoonBrown for a month, and I am really enjoying the challenge of the role and working with such a skilled and committed team. They are also all really friendly bunch – and I’m not just saying that.”

– Dave Norris

Founding Partner Richard Boon Retires



After years of dedicated leadership and strategic guidance, we announce the retirement of one of our founding partners, Richard Boon. Richard was not only an exceptional architect but also a cherished mentor. His guidance has inspired and shaped the talents of many in our team during the 38 years he has been a part of BoonBrown. As we bid farewell to an inspiring architect, we honour his legacy and commit to carrying forward the lessons learned under his mentorship.

As Richard embarks on the next chapter of his journey, we extend our warmest wishes for a fulfilling and joyous retirement. May this new phase be filled with endless opportunities for growth, exploration and well-deserved relaxation. Though he may be retiring from our team, his impact and wisdom will continue to inspire us for years to come.

“The greatest use of life is to spend it on something which outlasts it”

Richard Boon

Join us for our 2024 London Festival of Architecture event!



BoonBrown is proud to be part of the London Festival of Architecture again this year, and we’re excited to invite you to our immersive exhibition in the heart of Brixton.

Tunstall Hall, Bernay’s Grove
London SW9 8DF

Save the Date:
Mark your calendars for June 14th as we unveil a transformative exploration of ideas, artistry, and community.

Event Highlights:

  • RETROSPECT | A Salute to Heroes: Explore the untold tales of local heroes, revealing their remarkable deeds and honouring their impact.
  • REDESIGN | Brixton Exploration: Envision the future of Brixton streets through visionary sketches and renders.
  • REINTERPRET | The Artists’ Map: Discover a collaborative arrangement of artwork depicting London through different spheres.
  • REFLECT | The BoonBrown Experience: Gain insight into our ethos and projects.

Stay Tuned for Booking Information:
Further details and a booking link will be made available soon. Keep an eye on our socials to reserve your spot!

Don’t Miss Out:
Join us for an unforgettable experience celebrating creativity, community, and the power of architecture.

More details to come!

A Short Film : Transformation Newcastle



Written by

Abigail Baggley
Abigail Baggley

Architectural Director | Architect | LDN Collective Member

As part of the LDN Collective, we love participating in the annual study trip, which this year was hosted by the wonderful city of Newcastle. With snow on the ground, we met with Newcastle City Council and Invest Newcastle to discuss their ambitious plans for the city, as well as hosting our own presentation about the collective at the Farrell Centre. In a matter of minutes, this short film created by You See Media captures many of the trip highlights!

Penny for your thoughts – Views on the loos



Written by

Nadine Richards
Nadine Richards

Nadine is an Office Manager at BoonBrown with a passion for creativity and engineering. She has a keen interest in applying design thinking and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions for various challenges and opportunities. She is motivated by learning new things, collaborating with others, and making a positive impact.

So what is the public’s response? When the newly formed Crystal Palace Park Trust took on ownership of the park, they asked the public what their first priority should be… and they overwhelmingly replied; “the toilets!”

After years in poor condition, the visitors to Crystal Palace Park now have well-designed, easy to maintain facilities. This is captured in our short vox pop, where we had the opportunity to speak with the local community, to find out what they think of the newly refurbished toilets…

Small project, big impact.

Brixton Reimagined: A Glimpse Behind the Exhibition


Nadine Richards
Nadine Richards

Nadine is an Office Manager at BoonBrown with a passion for creativity and engineering. She has a keen interest in applying design thinking and problem-solving skills to create innovative solutions for various challenges and opportunities. She is motivated by learning new things, collaborating with others, and making a positive impact.

As we bring 2023 to a close, we reflect on our participation in the London Festival of Architecture (LFA) earlier this year, where a spotlight was on Brixton and had the theme ‘In Common’. With this video, we take a moment to reflect on the achievements that shaped our journey, and as we set our sights on 2024, it feels fitting to share a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the making of our Re-Imagining Brixton Exhibition.

The exhibition blended a series of different crafts —from woodwork and perspex cutting to visualizations and model making, each element contributing to a haven of creative ideas. The artistic endeavours and explorations gave us to a deeper understanding of Brixton’s history, whilst offering an opportunity to explore alternative futures.

Embracing the freedom to think outside the box, we interpreted the theme using physical 3D models, drawings, and installations to convey our ideas. One of the most gratifying aspects of this process was the opportunity to connect with the local community—forging new ties with individuals, charities, businesses, and schools while reinforcing existing relationships.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the invaluable contributors who played a pivotal role in bringing our exhibition to life. Special thanks for the support and collaborative efforts of South Bank UTC, whose model vision greatly enriched our project. We are deeply appreciative of Lawrence Barraclough at You See Media for skillfully capturing the essence of our exhibition through video. Plus the unwavering support and promotion from the LDN Collective.

This year was our first year participating in the festival. Our team are already excited about what 2024 will bring, with a new opportunity for ideas and fresh thinking for our second LFA exhibition! See you there!

BoonBrown welcomes RIBA President Simon Allford to Brixton!



Our London Studio team (with a few colleagues from our southwest studio too!) had the pleasure of welcoming inspirational architect and RIBA president, Simon Allford to Brixton last week.

Simon is a co-founder and director of Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM), current RIBA President and Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Architectural Foundation.

We kicked off the visit with a tour of the studio, which currently houses our London Festival of Architecture exhibition and a selection of project boards which showcase our work. From competition entries to technical delivery, we were able to discuss some of the highlights and challenges across the breadth of our projects, as well as broader conversations including ambitions for the practice. This was followed by an enthusiastic Q and A with the studio team.

Discussions covered topics such as architectural education, communication and reflection within the design process, and flexibility within built design. Our key takeaways include:

“Make the profession respect itself”

With a constant race to the bottom, we should be promoting good fees for good work and not underrating our worth.

“Create a feedback loop”

Communication is key – we often aren’t learning what we could from those around us, so find ways to reflect on past designs and teach others.

 “Understand the real brief”

Architecture is not just for foreseeable uses and today’s client. Design structures which can flex and change over time, building in tolerance and adaptability so use can change.

“Make the profession more accessible and affordable, so it reflects society today”

Educate and share within the local community, promoting architecture and design, supporting alternative methods to qualification for a more diverse pool of emerging architects.

Re-imagining Brixton | Collaborations



We are thrilled to share this fantastic short film produced by You See Media…giving a glimpse of our Re-Imagining Brixton Exhibition, which was part of this year’s London Festival of Architecture, with its focus on Brixton and based on the notional theme ‘in common’.

Through our own art and explorations, we have discovered more about Brixton ourselves, while opening our studio to the local community has been a wonderful, uplifting experience too.

We have enjoyed the opportunity to forge new connections with local people, charities, businesses and schools, as well as reinforcing existing relationships. We are always looking for more ways to engage and support the local community and look forward to continuing to develop these old and new associations.

A great example of this, was our project ‘Re-Generational’, which was an experimental collaboration between BoonBrown and South Bank University Technical College (UTC). Working with the school, we designed and printed a 3D model of central Brixton and chose five sites that could be re-imagined, with architectural interventions designed by the students. Although quite a challenge, the students were very inventive; using sketching and digital modelling to produce building and furniture designs, which were all printed in 3D. Through this, we discovered interesting emerging themes, focused on renewable technologies and a desire for more public ‘dwell’ space.

We’d love to thank all our partners who supported us in the creation of the exhibition, including South Bank UTC, Lawrence Barraclough at You See Media, support and promotion from the LDN Collective, and of course our wonderful guests, who attended our launch event and subsequent exhibition.

Due to the positive response we’ve had and continuing popularity, the exhibition has been extended for a few more days, so please do come down and check it out!